Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Class- Tuesday,March 03/16/10

Today students learned about:
  • Nuclear fusion
  • Comparision between fission and fusion reactions
Homework: study your notes

Reminder:3rd 9 week exams; Wednesday -Friday(03/17/10-03/19/10)

Class- Monday,March 03/15/10

Today students learned about :
  • nuclear fission
  • nuclear reactor
Homework: Study your notes and complete the given handouts

Reminder : 3rd 9 week exams;Wednesday-Friday(03/17/10-03/19/10)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Class-Thursday,March 03/11/10

Students learned about Half-Life and solved problems related to half lifves.

Homework: study your notes at home.

Reminder: test on friday 03/12/10

Class- Wednesday,March 03/10/10

Today students learned:Types of nuclear decay

Homework: Complete the given handout of nuclear reactions

Reminder: Test on Friday 03/12/10

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Class- Tuesday,March 03/09/10

Review: chemical reactions v/s nuclear reactions
Today students learned about the:
  • Nuclear decay-alpha, beta particles and gamma ray
  • balancing nuclear equations
Homework- balance the given nuclear equations(1-12) (handout)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Class- Monday,March 03/08/10

Today students worked on
  • vocabulary related to nuclear reactions
  • chemical reactions v/s nuclear reactions
  • complete the guided reading worksheet 
  •  correct the mistakes from the test paper and justify your answers.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Class-Thursday,March 03/04/10

Review: compare and contrast between chemical reactions and nuclear reactions

Today  students learned about radioactive/nuclear decay in terms of alpha decay,beta decay and gamma decay.

Homework: study your class notes at home.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Class-Wednesday,March 03/03/10

Review: Isotopes v/s radioisotopes
Today students learned about :
  • Nulear Decay in which an unstable atomic nuclei convert into stable nuclei by emitting alpha,beta perticles and/or gamma radiations.
  • What are alpha particles and their properties?
Homework: Study your class notes at home.

Reminder: 3rd 9 weeks exams from March 17-19

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Class- Tuesday,March 03/02/10

Review: Chemical reactions and Isotopes

Today student learned about the
  • difference between the chemical and nuclear reaction.
  • Activity: Students made a model of the Beryllium atom having 4 protons(red pom-pom balls) and 4 neutrons(green pom-pom balls).They showed the decay of the Be-atom by losing a particle thas has 2-protons and two neutrons.So they removed 2 red and 2 green pom-pom balls from the atom.Their nuclear models was representing new element.Which is contradictory to chemical reactions.(Visual, Logical)  
Homework: Q1-4 Page number-198 from text book

Monday, March 1, 2010

Class- Monday,March 03/01/10

 Class discussion about Friday's Test