Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Class-Tuesday,January 12,2010

In today's class students learned about:
Review: Main Energy levels(K,L,M,N)
Main energy level      # of sublevels
1   K                           s
2   L                            s,p
3   M                           s,p,d
4   N                            s,p,d,f
  • s,p,d and f sublevels
  • writing electron configuration of 1st 10 elements of periodic table
Max numer of electrons present in the sublevels.i.e.
Sublevels         #of orbitals     Max. Number of electrons
s=2 electrons      1                                     2
p=6 electrons      3                                     6
d=10 electrons    5                                    10
f=14 electrons     7                                    14

Homework: write the summary about the atom and its structure

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