Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Class-Wednesday,January 01/120/2010

Today students learned about the arrangement of the periodic table
  • Elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number.
  • Classification of elements-metals,nonmetals and metalloids
  • Location of metals, nonmetals and metalloids
  • Phases at room temperature-solid ,liquid and gases.
  • # of periods=7 (horizontal)
  • # of groups=18 (vertical)
  • Representative elements (group 1,2 and 13-18)
  • Most reactive metals-group 1&2 elements
  • Most reactive nonmetals-group-17
  • Most unreactive nonmetals -noble gases
  • Name of the groups/families
Homework: Study your class notes

Reminder: Benchmark Test on Friday (01/22/10)

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